About  US


is our Priority.

Next Level Endurance was born out of passion for endurance sports and the desire to help people achieve their next level! We have a fascination with the human body’s amazing capabilities and how much more each and everyone of us is capable of.  What we have found through self-discovery by pushing our limits is that the human body’s abilities are only bound by my mind.  The discomfort we are willing to tolerate, and the limits we place upon ourselves will determine the our capabilities.  Though very clichéd, it continues to ring very true for us.

We continue to learn through our own training and studies of the human body that getting the best results doesn’t always mean doing more work, but more importantly doing the correct work as diligently and as hard as one can. Most people forget the basics: moving in the correct position with a purpose, eating to fuel the movement, and sleep.  The way we look and the way our bodies respond is very much a science, and we love the challenge it represents.

When working with us at Next Level Endurance you will be challenged not only physically but mentally as well.  You will experience a new way of looking at your body, learning to see it’s potential and letting go of negative thoughts that limit your capabilities.

We are passionate about doing our part to help you recognize the factors that might limit your potential and progress.   We want to help you see what is possible and set a plan of action in place to achieve whatever your Next Level may be.  When you come to us with a desire for change and you are willing to put forth the effort and discipline, together we’ll create fantastic results.  If you come to us wanting a change but are not willing to put do what it takes, we have no foundation from which to work from and failure is immanent.

At Next Level Endurance we help guide people to the level of result they are willing to work for, whether they are minor or totally transformational.  When you choose to work with us, you’ll find that your daily life is congruent with what we teach—exercise, nutrition, and family are essential to our core beings.  You’ll find that we will never ask you to do something we have never done or are unwilling to do ourselves. Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll put a plan together.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Meet Your Coaches

We pride ourselves on giving you our best. Our coaches are qualified and highly experienced to help you push your limits and reach your goals.

SheriAnne Little

SheriAnne Little

As the Head Coach at Next Level Endurance my goal is to impact as many people as possible and train new coaches about our philosophy to positively impact as many people as they can. First and foremost I am a mom of 3 young beautiful children.  I am a Fitness and Nutrition Coach that believes in helping people realize their untapped potential.  I believe too many people go through life wondering if and wishing they could do something magnificent. Everyone’s “magnificent something” is different, mine just happens to be epic adventures.  Everything I do I think about my children and the example I am setting for them.  Setting goals is critical to being successful in life and I love to set big goals that make my heart beat a little faster and make me wonder if it is possible because I love nothing more than busting past that mental barrier.  Anything is possible. As a mother of 3, a multiple World Champion qualifier and multiple podium finisher at Ironman events, I know what it takes to get it done, yet respect the importance of family and responsibilities when it comes to running a business.

Currently, I am striving to be the best version of me that I can be no matter what the athletic event is.   I have raced in multi-day expedition races, Xterra, Ironman, Ultra running, and Mountain Biking events.  Always striving to push myself to my next level and truly see what is possible for me.

Mimi Stockton

I grew in Chicago and have lived in southwest Michigan for the past 10 years. I have three amazing kids who keep me quite busy on a daily basis. I am a self- described endorphin junkie, and when I’m not chasing after my children, or my puppy, my other passion is triathlon–primarily off-road triathlon.  In addition to training and racing, I teach various classes (spin, TRX, bootcamp, etc.) at a boutique fitness studio in my hometown, and I am a certified personal training and a USAT Level 1 certified coach.

I do between 6 and 7 XTERRA races per season, with my final race in October at the XTERRA off-road World Championships in Maui. I am the current and 4-time 40-44 division women’s world champion.  I also do several mountain bike races throughout the summer and on occasion will throw in a trail race to keep me sharp.

Training can be grueling at times, but it keeps me sane and makes me a better person toward both my family and friends. It continually pushes me to limits I never thought I could reach. I love the physical and mental challenges triathlon presents. I hope to instill my competitive spirit and the importance of having a goal in all the athletes I coach. I truly believe that becoming fit is possible for anybody as long as they have perseverance.

Mimi Stockton
Xterra Training

Coach Mimi has been an XTERRA Ambassador for the past 7 years.  She writes a bi-monthly article for the XTERRA Tribe newsletter, as part of the “Couch-to-XTERRA” program, which is geared toward the beginner off-road triathlete.  The training program is designed to do just what it says–help you get off the couch, into training and to the start of an XTERRA race.

Coach Mimi and SheriAnne have also helped intermediate and even advanced level off-road clients reach their respective goals–whether it be reaching the podium in a race or qualifying for Maui.  If you are interested in taking your off-road enthusiasm to a higher level, we promise you lots of mud, sweat and smiles.

Let us help you reach your next level!